Thursday, July 28, 2011


Sometimes in life we get lost. Or not even "lost" but misdirected or uninformed of the correct, or incorrect path to take. We assume that a path is the best to take because of a guide that someone else made. We randomly trust others who have gone before us. Don't get me wrong, we should trust our forerunners! But sometimes they neglect to inform their predecessors how the path actually is. 
This happened to my Aunt Karen and I while Kayaking.
The path we began on was beautiful and open.

We enjoyed our time, with no worries about our current journey or destination.
But about almost two hours into our trip we noticed that the scenery began to change...
The path became narrower and we had to duck under trees.

Eventually, we came to a spot that we could not power-paddle through. 

I was determined that I knew where we were on that useless map. I was willing to get out of the kayak and pull it over the log. But Aunt Karen wouldn't let me step into the sinking muddy water. I was disappointed that we turned back. I assumed that the travel home would be boring because I already saw what there was to see.
However, I was proved wrong.

Once we arrived back I informed the man pf the path that we chose to take and he smartly replied, "Oh yeah that path has been blocked for awhile." I quietly thought, "Thanks, could have told us that before we began!"
But then again, it wouldn't have been such an adventure :)

I learned a couple lessons that day: It's alright to ask questions, always keep an eye out for warning signs, listen to the opinions and advice of those around you, and keep an open mind when a path in your life doesn't work out the way you had presumed.

"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25:4-5

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  1. There is a book written by Donald Miller about mentoring. In it he talks about how pilots will relay messages to pilots who are traveling behind them. They will relay messages about the weather and proper traveling air streams. When i read about it completing changed my thoughts on mentoring and show those coming up behind me. Just thought you would like it

  2. this is the book....
