Sunday, June 10, 2012


Can you look back one year and say “ahhh”?

I can! And as my best friend Steff said, “Ahhh is a great word because it covers so many different emotions at the same time!” For example here are some “ahh” moments that I have gone through this past year and they can all be read in more than one way:
“Ahhhh I graduated high school.” “Ahhhh I really went on an epic trip around the west coast.” “Ahhh I made it through freshman year and didn’t fail anything!” “Ahhhh I still have amazing friends.” “Ahhhh I now have bills to pay.” “Ahhh I wish I did that differently.” “Ahhh my sister is engaged!”

Each of these moments, and all of those in between, are memories. And if you know me at all, you know that I love holding onto moments and memories :)

Life is always changing (like Maia mentioned in her salutatorian speech!) and we have to make choices every day. But the more change there is, the more opportunities to make memories :)
Here are a very very select few pictures of my favorite memories that happened this past year!

2011 Finney Graduation (Photo taken by Justin Heim)
Epic Road Trip with my sisters!! <3
Joe made it through Beast!
Best friends hahah
New friends!
Jackson Robert was born! (picture by his father Justin Heim)

Joe's first time home! (November)
Steff and Maia graduated!

I cant wait to see what is going to happen this next year! 

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